
With email2sms you can easily send SMS messages from your email.

SMS2GO email2sms is the shortest way to send an SMS. It works from all email applications, both desktop and mobile. All it requires is that your email address or domain is registered and authenticated in SMS2GO.

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Many options provide flexibility


All these options provide great flexibility in email2sms:

More beneficiaries

You can send SMS to one or more recipients at a time.

Status report

Get status reports on sent messages.


There is the possibility of 2-way traffic.

White listing

White listing of individual email addresses or entire domains.

Remove signature

Automatic removal of footer text in mail (limit length).

Subject field

You can choose whether to include the subject field in the SMS.


See statistics on how much your users send.

Sender name

You have the option to have your own sender name or number linked to your account.

It's that easy!

Get started quickly

Getting started with email2sms is quick and easy. See how here:

#1 New mail

Create a new email in your email program.

#2 Recipient

The recipient is

#3 Topic

Fill in the subject field. The subject is put on the first line of the SMS.

#4 Contents

Write message in the body field of the email. Avoid HTML text.

#5 Send SMS

Send mail.

Are you ready?

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